
JEDI CONSULAR - SAGE Specialization - Level 18

Chevran was a new character I created for the express purpose of leveling him to 10 as fast as I could, in order to team up with Tohru's new Jedi Knight, D'Akemi. My previous Consular went with the Shadow track, and I'd been looking for an excuse to try out the more Force-based Sage specialization instead.

Chevran is a perplexing case for the Jedi: he's a prodigy at the art of commanding the Force but he failed at every turn while training on Coruscant to learn how to behave like a proper Jedi. Wisecracking insubordination, while harmless enough, was hard enough for his stodgy masters, but after they caught him in the wash room with a female Padawan -- for the third time -- the Jedi Council decided enough was enough. Chevran was sent (far, far away from the Council) to Tython to continue his training, where the masters hoped the seclusion of the forests would help him focus on his studies.

It didn't work.

He was teamed up with the phenomenally talented but slightly less-trained D'Akemi pretty much because she's the only Jedi who's willing to put up with his antics, and to put him in his place. To the surprise of everyone involved, they've managed not to kill each other and have even proven to be an effective team during their time together on Coruscant.

Padded CoatPurchased starting-planet outfit
Jedi Initiate's VestmentsItem Drop, Tython
Force Initiate's VestmentsQuest Reward, Tython
Ithorian Nylite VestGalactic Market Purchase
Noble Consular's VestmentsQuest Reward, Coruscant
Esseles Consular's RobeFlashpoint Drop, Esseles
Conservator's RobeGalactic Market purchase
Valiant Jedi ArmorLegacy Collection item

Last Updated 2013-12-19: Two new images for the Esseles Consular's Robe, and new Conservator's Robe and Valiant Jedi Armor galleries added.



Y'know, I was sure I took some shots of Chevran in his starter robes, but they're nowhere to be found on my hard drive. Oh, well. This is the first outfit anyone ever buys on Tython, the Padded Coat.
Chev shows his steely resolution upon ariving on a new planet, and immediately wonders when the girls' training classes let out for the afternoon. If only his teachers back on Tython could witness his dedication.

Chevron tries out his new Consular's Training Blade; you may remember this as the only Jedi training weapon that doesn't look completely ridiculous. Seriously, the rest of them all look like Nerf bats or something, what's up with that?


And slowly, Chev begins to inject a little dignity into his wardrobe. This outfit was cool to me because it looked nice and simple. I still think those long dress-skirts aren't befitting a male character, but if that's the way things have to go, then this outfit's a success. Nice, simple clothes for people who are supposed to be in the process of letting go of their worldly attachments and discovering the peace that comes from simple existance.

Okay, I don't buy that either.

The robetop does look like it'd be nice and comfortable in the Tython climate, though, I can't deny. It's obviously not a Jedi robe, but it's still obviously from the Jedi school of fashion design. A good example of a Padawan's choice in clothing.

Chevran tries out another new training weapon, the Vorpal Nerf Bat Apprentice's Light Foil. It looks like a child's toy. In my heart of hearts, I beleive that Chevran told his teacher that when she handed him this weapon. And that she cried.


Now we're talking. Again, not quite Jedi robes yet, but a cool looking spiritualist's outfit. The robe bottom is a bit of a mismatch, but I didn't care: the armor stats were the best I found on the planet. And the raggedy look fit, somehow, with this cocky womanizer character who's somehow also a spiritually-balanced adept of the Force.

Chevran certainly approves. I have trouble working out exactly what that "Y"-shaped material running down his chest is supposed to be, though. It can't be a hood because it's on the front of his shirt. So... what the heck is it..?

Existential preponderances of this nature are all well and good, but there comes a point when you just have to say "Hey, groovy." It's a cool starter outfit, what more really needs to be said? Chevran clearly understands the real point of wearing an outfit like this: to look cool for the chicks.

And it's with this outfit that Chev makes it all the way to the Tython Forge and constructs his first lightsaber. Chevron is taken aback for a moment by the floating "New Codex Entry" sign that materialized over his head without warning or explanation, but then sets to work assembling his Jedi weapon.

And no, that was not a double entendre.

Some cool shots of the assembly process. There seems to be a lot of copper wiring involved. Seems to me, though, this is a process that would be better left to precision machinery than to the metaphysical. At the very least, there'd be more quality control.

Insert heavy-metal guitar riff here, or maybe a good 1980's "I have the poweeeeeerrrrrrrr-!" soundbite. Chevran completes his lightsaber and poses for photos by the press. Why yes, he is available, ladies.

Presumably he snapped out of his delusion a few minutes later when his arms started to get tired.

The operation is a success, however, and Chevran is a Padawan no longer. Not a moment to soon, either; I was getting so sick of hearing that awful word.

This turned out to be a really good shot of the Forge as well. Interesting looking device, even though in the course of building his lightsaber Chevran didn't actually use any part of it.

No sooner is Chevran armed than a challenger appears. Chev initially has reservations, as he'd prefer not to fight with one of Ra'r'tee's relatives if he can avoid it. But when the guy started using using split infinitives, Chev really felt like he needed to be taken down.

After returning to the temple, the first thing Chevran does is lose that green saber crystal. A player Jedi like Chev needs the sexiest crystal available, and that means a rare Derilect-Purple crystal off the cartel market!

A newbie player /whispered me to ask how I found a purple saber. On a whim, I gave him a spare one. Worth it just to see him freak out. :D


It's also at this point that the intrepid and annoying Chevran decided to go ahead and buy some new gear. Calling in a favor to one of his old Jedi masters, Chev soon had a shipment of fine level-10 robes delivered to him.

This is one of my favorite outfit designs in the whole game. It's a very unique robe with lots of personality that's perfectly fitting for a Jedi Consular of any persuasion. Also one of the few light-armor outfits that has an original look to it instead of just trying to copy the boring robe design from the movies. As I mentioned previously, I really, really wish there was a modifiable version of this armor out there somewhere...

Chevran takes a few practice swings to test the flexibilty of his new outfit. As it turns out, he can take his Jedi training seriously. So long as none of his teachers are watching.

Chevran, when it comes right down to it, is a cheeky bastard.

To be fair, he's not a bad person, just a bad Jedi. He soaks up knowledge of the Force like a sponge, but all the lessons about how to live your life like a good little Jedi just bounce right off his skull.

This doesn't seem to impede his progress to Jedi-hood, however. It's basically a given that all minor transgressions can be forgiven if you save the entire Order once or twice one day.

Chevran spots a hornet's nest in the rafters. The Masters seem unconcerned.

The end result of his meeting with the Jedi Council, however, is positive. And with the support of his beloved teacher Master Yuon, Chevran is accepted into the Order as a full-fledged Jedi. Chevran and his new ally Qyzen practice slow-walking towards the camera, for that inevitible time in the future when they will be called on to slow-walk away from an explosion for dramatic effect.

The fact remained, though, that while Chevran is a powerful Jedi, he's still far from a well-behaved one. His innocent flirtations with newcomer Padawan D'akemi are rebuked with great certainty (and three cracked ribs); rather than give in to discouragement, however, the humbled Chevran accepts his serving of crow, and discovers a respect for the Miraluka student of the Lost Art. The two quickly become friends; Chev even helps D'akemi build her own lightsaber. Aaaaaww...

The two travel to gether all the way to Coruscant, Chevran insisting that D'akemi losen up and enjoy herself, and D'akemi insisting that her entire boot will fit up Chevran's backside if he doesn't lay off and focus on the mission. It's a work-in-progress relationship.

Chevran and Qyzen confront a street thug in the Coruscant undercity, strongly miffed that they'd had the audacity to attack Chevran's poor, blind little sister D'akemi.

D'akemi's volumous protests go unheeded by the thick-skulled avenging Jedi. Some battles you just can't win.


After completing the first round of missions on Coruscant, Chevran was rewarded with his first modifiable chestpeice. This robe looked great on my previous Consular Den, but it really doesn't suit Chev's personality at all. It's better than nothing; and it'll do until he's leveled up enough to wear something more suitable.

My disdain for man-skirts is finally showing through into this character; I just couldn't bear to keep Chev in a robe-dress any longer and bought a pair of Adaptive Armor pants on the market. It may have been the wrong move, I'm wondering if robe-bottoms will look better with this robe than trousers do...

This new Noble robe is good for one thing, however: making Chev look suave as he smiles mysteriously from beneath the hood.

As a point of interest, Tohru's D'akemi picked up a corresponding blue-colored heavy armor robe at the same time, meaning our characters have matching outfits.

It bears restating that Chevran is, essentially, a cheeky bastard. Basically when I'm called on to roleplay him, I ask myself what Han Solo would be like if he were a Jedi. The answer is, insufferable.

Chev performs a flourish with his unique purple-bladed saber to impress some Padawan onlookers back on Tython (almost losing his grip on the saber in the process, you may note). Robes like these, he's discovering, also make a person look more knowledgeable and wise. He immediately sets to work calculating how to use this to his advantage when flirting with scantily-clad cantina Twi'lek girls.

D'Akemi sighs and shakes her head.


Update - 05-20-2013

Chev has successfully run the Esseles flashpoint with D'akemi and a couple of strangers, and came out of the experience one Jedi robe richer! This outfit's obviously a recolor of the Noble Consular's Vestments, but it fits the trousers and his personality much more than the previous blue did.

It's worth noting that this Esseles flashpoint was the first time that gaming partner Tohru was ever called on to tank for a team. After an adorable bout of initial uncertainty, she pulled it off like a pro. Tanks are fun to play. :D

Update - 05-20-2013

In case it hasn't been mentioned before, Chevran is, essentially, a cheeky bastard.

On my previous Consular, this outfit was just all wrong. But it's a good match for Chevran; as someone who doesn't take Jedi'ing very seriously, he wouldn't over-embellish his robes too much. Note that chaps. One can't help but wonder what it is about crotchless pants that so appealed to Chevran when he was picking out new clothes at the market.

Update - 05-20-2013

Chevran pretends to practice with his saber to impress the newcomers on Tython. He's still carrying the basic Consular saber awarded at level 10; it's difficult to find him a new saber since his morally-ambiguous approach to choosing light or dark side points means he's still at Neutral karma rating (most sabers require at least one level of light or dark).

Update - 05-20-2013

Have I noted yet that Chevran is basically a cheeky bastard? Let me restate that.

Update - 12-19-2013

Chevran seems to have found himself trapped within a visual representation of his sense of self-control.

Actually, in the course of retrieving a set of important "noetikons" for the Jedi Order, Chevran has come into contact with the same device that once trapped Revan himself inside its intangible prison. The occupant has changed (which raises important questions in and of itself that are never answered...), but the game is the same. No one plays mind-games better than Chevran, however, and the young prodigy is quickly freed, noetikon in hand.

Update - 12-19-2013

And Chevran meets an echo of the original Jedi Masters of Secrets after the Order's refounding 300 years ago, including MILF-phase Bastila Shan!

It turns out that Neotikon holograms do not have phone numbers. Chevran is crestfallen.


Update - 12-19-2013

Those Jedi hoods were really starting to get to Chevran at this point. Seeking relief for his meticulously-styled hair, he briefly adopted this look, wearing the Conservator's Robe with a dark brown dye pack. I liked the outfit, but those huge shoulderpads kind of over-inflated his visual profile; Chevran's not supposed to be a beefcake, he's the quiet, toned muscle type.

Update - 12-19-2013

I don't mean to alarm you, but Chevran is a cheeky bastard.

Update - 12-19-2013

It does look like a nice, heavy, warm robe, so I'm saving it for the character's eventual, inevitable journey to Hoth. At the time, though, it was just fun to finally be playing Chev with an authentic-looking Jedi robe that didn't hide 90% of his face and head.


Update - 12-19-2013

Back last summer (the last time I played Chevran), I finally discovered the Legacy Collections and went on a mad spending spree, buying and unlocking about half a dozen outfits. Chevran reaps the benefits in the form of the prestigious Valiant Jedi Armor.

Update - 12-19-2013

This armor is the same type used by the Jedi who fell at the Coruscant temple thirty years ago when the Sith invaded the planet. It's anyone's guess if Chevran's decision to wear this armor now is a solemn gesture of respect and solidarity with those fallen heroes, or if he just decided it looked cooler.

Update - 12-19-2013

Chevran shows off his new Overtuned lightsaber as he further tests the range of movement allowed by his new armor. At this point his saber color is vascilating regularly between gold, purple, and green. Time will tell if he ever finally settles on one color or another.

Update - 12-19-2013

In the interest of disseminating crucial information, Chevran is a cheeky bastard.